Alpha Battlers

home page alphabattlersWelcome to the definitive book of the ABC’s. In a vast land there are those  who strictly adhere to the alphabetical order believing that they are better than one another because of their place within the order. These unreasonable forces who have ruled the kingdom of Dictionary seemingly from the beginning of time are known as the Knights of the Alphabetical Order. Fortunately these beliefs are being challenged by honorable knights. They are the Alpha Battler’s, one of many units helping to comprise the Alpha Battalion promised defenders of the Sound table where justice is served.Both forces are steadfast in their convictions and desire to maintain their way of life.

Their lives revolve around the twenty six capitol cities that form the Kingdom of Dictionary. Much of the kingdom lives in peace but at any moment a Knight of the Alphabetical Order might roll into town to impose their will upon the lower case. That’s when the call goes out for the Alpha Battlers and when they are called rest assured of one thing, they are what they are, they are what they say they are, they are what they always will be they can’t change nor would they ever want to.

So saddle up, pop the clutch and get ready to have some fun while deciding which of the Alpha Battlers you would have do your bidding.