Hi I’m Domenic

My parents told me I was third generation American from Italian descent. P.S.103 told me to say the pledge of allegiance. Uncle Tommy told me to say nothing.I took his advice.

All about me

Other than automobile aircraft or spaceship a pen is my favorite means of transport.

As a kid my Pop pointed out to me how he liked that the cars in cartoons bent as they went round the corners. My eyes widened and my imagination allowed anything to bend. " Just like Beckam."Pop wasn't around much but that was o.k. because when he showed it was with candy and comics. The candy was transient but the comics were pondered over.

cartoon characters

where would heroes be without a monster or two?

Monsters however would be happy to run rough shod over their kingdom, the world, the universe, unfettered by pesky heroes. Come along pick a side and get ready to experience the beginning of a dream.

Welcome to my world